5 Dec 2018

A Frankenstein Celebration: DESA’s Frankenreads Event

By |2018-12-15T15:12:47-05:00December 5, 2018|Tags: , , |

This year marks the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, a classic narrative that is deeply embedded in our culture and that still intrigues and inspires us today.

DESA, in collaboration with the Department of English, is hosting a celebration of Shelley’s visionary imagination and Frankenstein’s legacy on Wednesday, 5th December at 6pm, at the Storm Petrel Foundation as part of the international Frankenreads initiative. Our guest speakers, Prof. Peter Vassallo, Dr Giuliana Fenech, Prof. Saviour Catania, and Prof. Ivan Callus, will deliver talks on Frankenstein and its legacy. Atttendees will be able to view the exhibition ‘The Other Side: Horror, Gothic and Science Fiction’, curated by Prof. Saviour Catania, Dr Fabrizio Foni and Mr Ray Vassallo. Readings of the revolutionary text will also be done by the students of the English Department.

Tickets for our Frankenstein bicentenary event cost 7EUR, which includes a complimentary glass of wine, and nibbles. Due to limited places, we highly recommend that you book yours at your earliest convenience by private messaging our page. Transport after the event will be available (booking on the day).

1 Nov 2018

Frankenstein and the Philosophy of Technology

By |2018-10-24T17:18:04-04:00November 1, 2018|Tags: |

Many critics of modern technologies from biotechnology, medical advances, Artificial Intelligence, to Artificial Life, often use “Frankenstein” as a quick cultural reference to cast doubt on the ethics of making these technological advances.  We will view the 1931 Movie from 1-2:10 and then do a directed writing and sharing exercise to explore these issues together from 2:10-3PM

31 Oct 2018

Frankenstein Senior: the scientific foundations of a myth in the Collections of Palazzo Poggi

By |2018-10-31T13:08:57-04:00October 31, 2018|Tags: , , |

“Frankenstein Senior: the scientific foundations of a myth in the Collections of Palazzo Poggi” is a research project aimed at enhancing and promoting the cultural heritage of the University. The project is framed within The European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 supported by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

The project shows how the scientific roots of the myth created by the English writer Mary Shelley lies in the experiments of Luigi Galvani and his nephew Giovanni Aldini and in the notion of “animal electricity” introduced in Bologna at the end of the 18th Century. With Aldini, the notion of animal electricity travelled throughout Europe in the form of shocking-demonstration performed on dead bodies in Paris and London and acted as inspiration for the Shelley’s masterpiece “Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus”, published in 1818.

The contents of the project are conveyed in different communicative languages: a docudrama, a series of public events performed within the Museum of Palazzo Poggi, conferences and publications.

31 Oct 2018

Marathon Live Reading of Frankenstein

By |2018-10-25T10:37:35-04:00October 31, 2018|Tags: , , , |

As part of the international celebration of the 200th birthday of Frankenstein, Ohio University’s Technology and Society Certificate Program, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, and Alden Library are sponsoring a marathon live reading of the entire novel, to take place from 9:00 am – 9:00 pm Wednesday, Oct. 31 on Alden Library’s 4th floor. 
62 Ohio University students, faculty, and staff will take it in turn to read Frankenstein aloud, and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.  The event is free and open to the public. Costumes encouraged!


31 Oct 2018

Frankenread@DISTU. I suoni del romanzo

By |2017-12-20T07:07:02-05:00October 31, 2018|Tags: , , , , , |

Romanzo “parlato” per eccellenza -eseguito come un raffinato esercizio di persuasione dei vari narratori, le cui voci emergono in un panorama acustico complesso e affascinante fatto di musica, voci, suoni e varie evocazioni uditive- Frankenstein rappresenta l’apice del complesso sistema estetico multimodale tipico del Romanticismo inglese, un vero panorama acustico che lentamente riemerge a fianco della bidimensionalità della pagina scritta, in cui la voce e l’orecchio entrano in dialogo, talvolta in conflitto, con l’occhio e la visione.

Frankenread@DISTU. I suoni del romanzo, un evento organizzato dal Dipartimento DISTU per celebrare il bicentenario della pubblicazione del romanzo di Mary Shelley, si terrà nell’Aula Magna di San Carlo il 31 ottobre 2018. La mattina verrà dedicata alla lettura di passi scelti del romanzo di Mary Shelley, effettuata a più voci con l’aiuto degli studenti delle scuole di Viterbo,  i docenti e il pubblico. Nel pomeriggio seguirà la visione guidata di spezzoni significativi tratti da vari adattamenti filmici e rappresentazioni teatrali ispirate a Frankenstein. L’intera giornata sarà preparata attraverso una serie di incontri e lezioni universitarie a tema che si terranno nel mese di ottobre 2018.

Tutte le attività previste sono a ingresso libero. I gruppi di oltre 10 persone sono pregati di prendere appuntamento almeno 15 giorni lavorativi prima dell’evento con l’organizzatrice a fsaggini@unitus.it .
